🦋The Four Converted Stars

🦋The Four Converted Stars are the most important stars in Polaris Astrology.
🦋During certain major fortunes, years, months, days, and hours, certain stars are converted.
🦋When a star is converted, its characteristics change. It changes from passive to active.
🦋There are four types of conversion: a star can be converted 💰To Wealth, 🗡️To Authority, 🛡️To Brightness, and 🐌To Darkness.
🦋A conversion type is referenced by [to + conversion type + star]. For example, the "To Wealth Star" is a generic term that represents a star that has been converted "to wealth" without specifying which star is being converted to wealth.
🦋The To Wealth Star, the To Authority Star, and the To Brightness Star are auspicious stars. They are called the "Three Extraordinary Stars".
🦋The To Darkness Star is a Challenge Star.
🦋In some situations, the To Darkness Star can be auspicious, and the Three Extraordinary Stars are challenging.
🦋Converted Stars act as catalysts and "trigger events" during Major or Annual fortunes.
🦋Only 15 stars can be converted:

11 Main Stars: 👑King 🧠Thinker ☀️Sun 🪙Gold 🐼Child 🦁Wild Star 🌙Moon 🐺Greedy Wolf ⚗️Dark 🌳Elder 🚗Warrior
2 Advancement Star: 📚Literature 🎵Music
2 Assistant Stars: ♂️Left-Assistant ♀️Right-Assistant
🦋Among the stars that can be converted, certain stars are limited to specific types of conversions, while other stars can undergo all four types of conversions. For example, the "Left Assistant Star" can only be converted to Brightness, whereas the "Wild Star" can be converted to both Wealth and Darkness. The "Thinker Star," however, can be converted to all four types: to Wealth, to Authority, to Brightness, and to Darkness.

💰 To Wealth

English Name Chinese Name Yin Yang Element Type Class
To Wealth 化祿 (huà lù) yin earth Converted H1

When a star is converted to wealth, the good qualities of the star increase. It can make a person "gain more". The person becomes more affectionate, generous, loving, relaxed, and talkative. Depending on which star is converted, and in which palace, it can make the person gain more, money, knowledge, friends, love, or body weight.

For example, if the To Wealth Star is in the Wealth Palace, the person usually earns more money. If it is in the Health Palace (the Health Palace represents the person's body), the person may gain more body weight.

If the Thinker Star is converted to wealth in the Life Palace, it will make the person more cleverer and more talkative. As a result, the person will be able to earn more money with his intelligence. Also, the person will have more friends of the opposite sex.

For some stars, being converted to wealth may not be a good thing. For example, the Child Star represents enjoyment. Child Stars like to enjoy life and have fun. When the Child Star is converted to wealth, the person may have too much fun and neglect what is important. The converted To Wealth Child Star can cause a person to become lazy.

🗡️ To Authority

English Name Chinese Name Yin Yang Element Type Class
To Authority 化權 (huà quán) yang wood Converted H1

When a star is converted to authority, the person has a strong desire to be in control of their own life. They become more competitive, assertive, hardworking, and willing to take more risks for greater rewards. When the Converted To Authority Star is in the Life Palace, especially in the Career Palace, the person is often a manager of a company or a business owner. However, a strong desire for control can sometimes lead to negative consequences. It could make the person more arrogant and manipulative; thus, creating challenges in interpersonal relationships.

For example, the Polaris Star is a natural leader; if it is converted to authority, the person may abuse their power and become tyrannical, making them difficult to be around with.

The Elder Star has the personality of a village chief or a group leader whose rule is to protect the young and help those in in need. When converted to authority, it becomes more assertive, and can lead them to seek control over every aspect of their environment, and expect others do to do as they say. As a result, Elder Stars can sometimes be lonely because they often distancing themselves from those who don't share their beliefs or they are being shunned by others because of their manipulative nature.

🛡️ To Brightness

English Name Chinese Name Yin Yang Element Type Class
To Brightness 化科 (huà kē) yang water Converted H1

When a star is converted to brightness, the person becomes more cautious and protective, like cleanliness, and usually will not do anything that breaks the law. They prefer stability and are not willing to take risks for quick gains. The person is also good at academics.

In addition, the To Brightness Star can increase a person's exposure to the public. Depending on the star combination, the person can become either famous or infamous. Since the To Brightness Star is an auspicious star and causes the person to be cautious, the person is usually more famous than infamous.

The To Brightness Star is also called a lucky person star because, during a Major Fortune, or an Annual Fortune, it has the power to alleviate difficulties. For instance, it can minimize marriage problems, or help to find the right doctor during a major health issue. It can lessen the effect of the To Darkness Star.

Since the To Brightness Star represents exposure, if a person has a hidden extramarital relationship, it will likely be revealed if the To Brightness Star is encountered. Similarly, if a person is involved in illegal activities, the To Brightness Star will cause their actions to be exposed.

🐌 To Darkness

English Name Chinese Name Yin Yang Element Type Class
To Darkness 化忌 (huà jì) yin fire Converted H1

The To Darkness Star represents obstacles, delays, lingering situations, and uncertainty. It causes a person to be stubborn and unyielding. The To Darkness Star also diminishes the positive qualities of a star. For example, the Greedy Wolf Star typically exhibits good social skills and has many friends of the opposite sex. However, if the Greedy Wolf Star is converted to Darkness, the person may experience more arguments with friends and have fewer friends of the opposite sex.

The Thinker Star represents the mind, the nervous system, and the limbs of the human body. If it is converted to Darkness, the person may have difficulty concentrating on one subject, struggle with direction (often getting lost while driving), and experience frequent delays.

The palace in which the converted star is located on the Life Chart represents the life challenges the person faces and the obstacles they must confront and overcome. For example, if the To Darkness Star is in the Spouse Palace, the partner's behavior or way of doing things may be unexpected after marriage. Additionally, the To Darkness Star in the Spouse Palace charges the Career Palace, indicating that the person may lose their job after marriage.

However, for some stars, being converted to Darkness may not be entirely negative or as severe. For example, the Child Star represents enjoyment, having fun, and doing less work. Child Star individuals have good coordination skills and are full of imagination and dreams, but many of their dreams are unrealistic, and they rarely take action to pursue them. If the Child Star in the Life Palace is converted to Darkness, it reduces their empty imagination and enjoyment, making them more realistic and hardworking. As a result, many converted to Darkness Child Stars have worked very hard and become business owners. However, the conversion also diminishes their good coordination skills, making them more serious and difficult to deal with. The To Darkness Star in the Life Palace charges the Journey Palace, which represents how a person behaves and expresses themselves in public. Because a converted to Darkness Child Star lacks coordination skills, learning how to communicate effectively with others becomes their life challenge.

🦋 Converted Star Types

🦋Converted Stars are derived for the 10 Heaven Stems

  • 🌿Birth-Year Converted Stars: Birth-Year Converted Stars are used to evaluate a person's life. They are derived from the person's birth year stem.
  • 🌿Major Converted Stars: Major Converted Stars are used for "Major Fortunes." Each Major Fortune spans 10 years. They are derived from the "Palace Stems."
  • 🌿Year Converted Stars: Year Converted Stars are used for the current year's fortune or the fortune for a particular year. Each year has a different set of converted stars, and they are derived from the stem of the year being observed.
  • 🌿Monthly Converted Stars: Monthly Converted Stars are used for monthly fortunes. They are derived from the stem of the month being observed.
  • 🌿Daily Converted Stars: Daily Converted Stars are used for daily fortunes. They are derived from the day stem of the day being observed.
  • 🌿Shi-Chen Converted Stars: One Shi-Chen is 2 hours long. There are 12 Shi-Chens in a day. Shi-Chen Converted Stars are used for Shi-Chen fortunes. They are derived from the Shi-Chen stem of observation.
  • 🌿Note: Monthly, daily, and Shi-Chen converted stars are not used by most Polaris astrologers.

🦋 Flying Converted Stars

Flying Converted Stars are derived from palace stems.

  • 🌿Fly-Out Stars: When a palace stem converts stars in other palaces, the converted stars are called Fly-Out Stars. A Fly-Out Star is the cause of an event.
  • 🌿Charging a Palace: Charging a palace occurs when the To-darkness Star or the To-Authority Star exerts its energy to its opposite palace. Only the To Darness Star and the To Authority can charge a palace, and the palace that is being charged usually has negative effects.
  • 🌿Charged Place: The palace that is being charged by the To Darkness Star has greater damage than the palace that is being charged by the To Authority Star. The Authority Star only causes half of the damage of the To Darkness Star.
  • 🌿Fly-In Stars: When a star in a palace is converted by the palace stem from another palace, the converted star is called a Fly-In Star. A Fly-In Star is the result of a Fly-Out Star.
  • 🌿Fly-In Charge: When a fly-in star is the To Darkness Star or the To Authority  Star, it is called fly-in charge, because its opposite palace is being charged by the fly-in star.
  • 🌿Self Charged: If the Fly-Out Star is the To-darkness Star or the To-Authority Star, and the palace it flies to is its opposite palace, the opposite palace will bounce back the force of the Fly-Out Star. This result is called Self-Charged. The effects caused by Self-Charged stars are greater than those caused by Fly-In Stars.

🦋 Self Converted Stars

  • 🌿 Self-Converted Stars: When a star is converted by its own palace stem (the palace stem in the same palace as the star), the star is called Self-Converted Star.
  • 🌿 The Self Converted Stars are referred as:🏰💰Self-Wealth, 🏰🗡️Self-Authority, 🏰🛡️Self-Brightness, 🏰🐌Self-darkness.
  • 🌿Effects: The effects of the self-converted stars are different from the Birth Year Converted Start of the same stars.

🦋 Derivation of Converted Stars

In the Chinese calendar system, Heaven Stems are units for recording time. There are a total of 10 Heaven Stems, from H1 to H10. Certain Heaven Stems cause specific stars to convert. When a star is converted, it acquires certain characteristics.

For example, the Heaven Stem "H1" will cause the Wild Star to convert to Wealth, the Warrior Star to Authority, the Gold Star to Brightness, and the Sun Star to Darkness.

Different branches of Polaris Astrology convert stars differently. The following chart indicates the differences among various Polaris Astrology branches. Note: the differences only occur for the H5, H7, and H9 Heaven Stems. The PAVC-converted stars are the most widely used and are generally accepted by most Polaris astrologers.

This website uses PAVC (Polaris Astrology Volume Complete)
as default star conversation method.
Converted Stars

💰To Wealth
🗡️To Authority
🛡️To Brightness
🐌To Darkness
🦁Wild Star
🦁Wild Star
🦁Wild Star
🦁Wild Star

💰To Wealth
🗡️To Authority
🛡️To Brightness
🐌To Darkness

💰To Wealth
🗡️To Authority
🛡️To Brightness
🐌To Darkness
🦁Wild Star
🦁Wild Star
🦁Wild Star
🦁Wild Star

💰To Wealth
🗡️To Authority
🛡️To Brightness
🐌To Darkness

💰To Wealth
🗡️To Authority
🛡️To Brightness
🐌To Darkness
🐺Greedy Wolf
♀️Right Assistant
🐺Greedy Wolf
♀️Right Assistant
🐺Greedy Wolf
🐺Greedy Wolf
♀️Right Assistant

💰To Wealth
🗡️To Authority
🛡️To Brightness
🐌To Darkness
🐺Greedy Wolf
🐺Greedy Wolf
🐺Greedy Wolf
🐺Greedy Wolf

💰To Wealth
🗡️To Authority
🛡️To Brightness
🐌To Darkness
🍷Prime Minister

💰To Wealth
🗡️To Authority
🛡️To Brightness
🐌To Darkness

💰To Wealth
🗡️To Authority
🛡️To Brightness
🐌To Darkness
♂️Left Assistant
♂️Left Assistant

💰To Wealth
🗡️To Authority
🛡️To Brightness
🐌To Darkness
🐺Greedy Wolf
🐺Greedy Wolf
🐺Greedy Wolf
🐺Greedy Wolf

  • 🌿 PABC:Polaris Astrology Book Complete Published in 1504 (Mostly used by Taiwan Polaris Astrologers)
  • 🌿 PAVC:Polaris Astrology Volume Complete Published in the late Qin Dynasty
  • 🌿 Qin-Tian-Men:Heaven-Admiration-Branch
  • 🌿 Min-Pai:Min-Branch
  • 🌿 Zhon-Gzhou-Pai:Zhon-Gzhou-Branch, Mater Lu-Bin-Zhao
  • 🌿 Zhon-Gzhou-Pai:Zhon-Gzhou-Branch, Master Wang-Ting-Zhi (Mostly used by Hong Kong Polaris Astrologers)
  • 🌿 Bei-Pai:North-Branch(Not widely used)
  • 🌿 Heven Stems in Chinese Manderin:甲Jiǎ, 乙yǐ, 丙bǐng, 丁dīng, 戊wù, 己jǐ, 庚gēng, 辛xīn, 壬rén, 癸guǐ
  • 🌿H#:Heven Stem Number; from h1 to h10
  • 🌿YE#:Year Ending Number; For example, YE6 is when a person's birthday is on or after the Chinese New Year's Day of 1996, 2006, or 2016. The Heaven Stem for the year is (丙bing, h3), and during the year, the Child Star is converted to wealth, the Thinker Star is converted to authority, the Literature Star is converted to brightness, and the Wild Star is converted to darkness.

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