Polaris Astrology Life Chart. Find out what your Doushu stars are.

14 Main Doushu Stars:
👑Polaris  🧠Thinker  ☀️Sun  🪙Gold  🐻Child  🦁Wild Star  🏠Mansion  🌙Moon  🐺Greedy Wolf  ⚗️ Analyst  🍷Prime Minister  🌳Elder  ⚔️Seven Slayer  🚗Warrior

To find out which Doushu Star is in your Life Palace, enter your birth information.

🌕Only for people whose birth month is a lunar leap month.
It will not work if your birth month is not a leap month.
For more info., check here

🌷If your Life Chart is inaccurate.

🌻If your Life Chart is inaccurate.

Enter the city, state / province and the country in which you were born. Then press search location buttons and select your birth place.

Latitude: ------------ Longitude: ------------

Star Conversion Method:
For advanced users only