English Name Chinese Name Yin-Yang Element Essence PALACE CHIEF Type Class
dark 巨門 (Jù mén) Yin Water Darkness none Main H1

⚗️ Doushu Star: Dark Star

⚗️ Dark Star in the Life Palace

⚗️ The Dark Star symbolizes matters related to the mouth, such as communication, arguments, debates, teeth, and food. The essence of the Dark Star is "darkness", which is why it is nicknamed the Dark Star. Dark Stars are skeptics with a strong sense of crisis awareness. They tend to explore the darker side of things and uncover hidden truths, always curious about what goes on behind the scenes

⚗️ They have the mind of a scientist—intelligent, logical, analytical, articulate, and persuasive, with excellent communication and debating skills. They are also knowledgeable about food, and many are skilled cooks.

⚗️ Because the Dark Star is the Dark Star, Dark Stars often experience self-doubt and may feel depressed. Because of this, they may struggle with decision-making, which can lead to missed opportunities. To address this, Dark Stars should always think positively and focus more on the bright side of situations or issues. If you focus on the bright side, you will move toward the bright side and end up on the bright side. You will become happier and more optimistic.

⚗️💰Dark Star Converted To Wealth 辛h8

The To-Wealth Star usually increases a person's wealth. When the Dark Stars is converted To Wealth, the person becomes more generous, easygoing, relaxed, talkative, and intelligent.

⚗️🗡️Dark Star Converted To Authority 癸h10

When the Dark Star is converted To Authority, the person has higher self-confidence, and self-restraint, is assertive, determined, and has strong debating skills.

⚗️🐌Dark Star Converted To Darkness 丁h4

The To-darkness usually symbolizes obstacles, sticky situations, and delays. When the Dark Star is converted to Darkness, the person becomes more direct in their speech. They are often perceived as highly intelligent and intellectual compared to those around them, which can make others feel uncomfortable and disparaged. Additionally, because an Dark Star person tends to focus more on the negative side of things, their self-confidence may decrease, potentially leading to depression.

⚗️🐌Dark Star Converted To Self Darkness 丁ph4

When the Dark Star is converted to self-darkness, the person's issue is more serious than when the star is simply converted to darkness. To alleviate the problem, always focus on the positive aspects of things or situations. By focusing on the positive side, you will feel cheerful instead of depressed.

✨ Absolute Palaces of the Dark Star

🏡Mansion Star in the Child Palace

When the Mansion Star is in the Child Palace, the first male child is well-behaved and sensible. The Essence of the Mansion Star is to "Give Orders". Thus, sometimes the parents may feel that their kid is telling them what to do, ordering them around. Also, the Mansion Star represents a house, and things that belong to the house are conceded inside the house. Because of this, the child may not like to talk about personal things with the parents or others.

🌙Moon Star in the Spouse Palace

The Moon Star is a beautiful star. When it is in the Spouse Palace, most of the time the person has a goofy-looking partner. Also, the Moon Star is a motherly star, which means that the partner tends to take care of the family.

🐺Greedy Wolf in the Sibling Palace

The Sibling Palace represents the mother or the individual's eldest brother. When the Greedy Wolf Star is in the Sibling Palace, the mother and/or the eldest brother have good social skills. If the Left-Assistant Star is also in the Spouse Palace. The mother might have male friends other than the father.

🍷Prime Minister in the Parent Palace

The Parent Palace represents the father. If the Prime Minister is in the Parent Palace, it means that the father is careful, does everything by the book, is compassionate, and always helps others, such as helping the neighbors. Also, the father is always curious about people and may want to know how others are doing.

🌳Elder Star in the Fortune Palace

The Fortune Palace represents a person's interests and hobbies. The elder star represents the elder or elder brother, someone who is superior to others. When the Elder Star is in the Fortune Palace, it means that the person is interested in philosophy, religion, and astrology. This is even more so when the Elder Star is in the same palace as the "Empty Stars", the Spiritual Star.

⚔️Seven Slayer in the Home Palace

The Home Palace represents the living environment. If the Seven Slayer Star is in the Home Palace, it means that there might be a lot of quarrels in the house. The quarrels will be reduced if the To-Brightness Star is also in the Home Palace or the Child Palace. (The Child Palace is the opposite palace of the Home Palace.)

🚗Warrior Star in the Health Palace

A Warrior person is always "relentlessly charging forward". The essence of the Warrior is "exhaustion”. The Health Palace represents a person's body. If the Warrior Star is in the Health Palace, the person is always physically and mentally exhausted.

🐁Dark Star in the Mouse Terra

🐎Dark Star in the Horse Terra

🐉Dark Star in the Dragon Terra

🐕Dark Star in the Dog Terra

🐍Dark Star in the Snake Terra

🐖Dark Star in the Pig Terra

⚗️ Dark Star in the 12 Palaces

⚗️ Dark Star in the Parent Palace

The Parent Palace represents the father. When the Dark Star is in the Parent Palace, the father possesses strong analytical and debating skills. As a result, the person may frequently have arguments with the father.

If the Dark Star is converted:

  • 💰Dark Star converted to Wealth:The father is generous and talkative.
  • 🗡️Dark Star converted to Authority:The father is strict and serious.
  • 🐌Dark Star converted to Darkness:The father may not say much or always use harsh words when speaking.

⚗️Dark Star in the Fortune Palace

The Fortune Palace represents a person's interests, hobbies, and mentality. The essence of the Dark Star is "darkness". When it is in the Fortune Palace, the person has a strong sense of crisis awareness and tends to focus on the negative side of things, much like a conspiracy theorist who delves into hidden truths or a prepper who always prepares for the worst.

⚗️Dark Star in the Home Palace

The Dark Star symbolizes darkness. If it is in the Home Palace, it may indicate that the person's home receives limited sunlight. It could also suggest that valuable items, such as gold, silver, or money, are hidden in the house. Additionally, since the Dark Star symbolizes the "mouth", it may indicate frequent quarreling in the house.

⚗️Dark Star in the Career Palace

The Career Palace represents a person's activities. If the Dark Star is in the Career Palace, the person's work may involve analyzing information. Since the essence of the Dark Star is 'darkness,' there may also be toxic people in the workplace.

⚗️Dark Star in the Friend Palace

The Dark Star is always in the Friend Palace of Warrior Star individuals, and its essence is 'darkness.' Warrior Stars tend to be blunt and direct in their speech, which can unintentionally hurt others' feelings. As a result, people may talk negatively about them behind their backs. Additionally, Warrior Stars are often lenient with money. When they lend money to their friends, their friends often never repay them, taking advantage of their good nature. Therefore, Warrior Stars must choose their friends carefully.

⚗️Dark Star in the Journey Palace

The Journey Palace represents how a person presents and expresses themselves in public, with friends, and while traveling. When the Dark Star is in the Journey Palace, the person appears intelligent and is skilled in communication and self-expression.

⚗️Dark Star in the Health Palace

If the Dark Star is in the Health Palace, the person may experience issues related to the mouth, such as dental problems or esophageal issues. Since the essence of the Dark Star is 'darkness,' these health concerns may be difficult to detect.

⚗️Dark Star in the Wealth Palace

When the Dark Star is in the Wealth Palace, the person may have jobs that are related to the mouth, such as working in a restaurant, being an advisor, lecturer, or lawyer. The essence of the Dark Star is "Darkness", which means that the person may have "dark wealth", such as money from selling cigarettes, or illegal products.

⚗️Dark Star in Child Palace

The Dark Star symbolizes the mouth and darkness. The Child Palace represents the first male child. When the Dark Star is in the Child Palace, it indicates that the first male child is skilled in debating and analyzing. When the parents argue with the child, the child usually wins the argument. Since the Dark Star represents the "mouth", the child may pursue a career related to communication, such as a lawyer, lecturer, or sales representative.

⚗️Dark Star in the Spouse Palace

The essence of the Dark Star is "darkness". When the Dark Star is in the Spouse Palace, the person often feels that their partner is hiding something, such as a secret relationship or money issues. And the partner always comes up with some strange excuses. Because of this, the couple may have constant arguments.

⚗️Dark Star in the Sibling Palace

The Sibling Palace represents the mother or the person's eldest brother. It symbolizes the mouth and darkness. Because of this,  the mother or the eldest brother tends to look into the darkness and uncover the truth behind things. They are good at debating and have excellent analytical skills. Sometimes they like to gossip about others and may have arguments with family members.

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