Reputation Star
Recognition Star

🏅🏵️Reputation and Recognition

English Name Chinese Name Yin-Yang Element Type Class
Reputation 台輔 (tái fǔ) yang earth Miscellaneous H2
Recognition 封誥 (fēng gào) yin earth Miscellaneous H2

🏅Reputation Star

🏅The Reputation Star increases a person's reputation. If it encounters the Academic stars, it will make the person excel in academics and increase the person's competitiveness. If the Reputation Star is in the Career Palace, it means that the person is reputable and has credibility in his field of work.

🏵️Recognition Star

🏵️Similar to the Reputation Star, the Recognition Star also increases a person's reputation. However, the Recognition Star is materialistic. If the Recognition Star is in the person's Wealth Palace, it means that the person could gain wealth through his/her reputation.

🏵️If the Reputation Star or the Recognition Star is in one of the Six personal Palaces with the Literature Stars or the Music Star plus the To-Darkness Star or the Discipline Star, it could mean attending a funeral service.

🏵️The reason is, that the Six personal Palaces represent relationships with other people. One of the characteristics of the Literature Star and the Music Star is celebrations. The To-darkness-Star expresses the negative side of a situation. All the stars together mean paying tribute to and celebrating someone's life.

Note: The Reputation Star and Recognition Star have very little influence. They are not used by most Polaris Astrologists.

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