English Name Chinese Name Yin-Yang Element Essence Palace Ruler Type Class
Warrior 破軍 (pò jūn) Yin* Water Exhaustion Spouse, Child, Friend Main H1

🚗 Doushu Star: Warrior Star

🚗 Warrior Star in the Life Palace

🚗 The Warrior Star is a front-line soldier and one of the two fighter stars of Polaris Astrology. Warrior Stars are generous with money, straightforward, no-nonsense, and have no interest in trivial matters.🚗 They are impulsive and often act without much planning.  Sometimes they are hot-tempered but are only noticed by close friends. Other characteristics of the Warrior Star include "relentlessly charging forward", breakthrough, breakage, "first destroy and then rebuild", "many major life changes", seawater, overseas, imports, cargo trucks, fish markets, used goods, second-hand items, and messy.
🚗 In addition, Warrior Stars are innovative. They have a lot of imagination and ideas about how to make things better. They are bold and revolutionary. They will do the things that others won't do. As a result, Warrior Stars experience many setbacks in life. However, they are not afraid of difficulty and failure. They never give up and will start again when another opportunity arises.
🚗 The essence of the Warrior Star is "exhaustion”. Warrior Stars are like soldiers who are relentlessly charging forward, and exhausting their energy. They either destroy the enemies in front of them or be destroyed.
🚗 For Warrior Stars, in order to have less failure and more success, have some plans before taking action.

🚗🦋Warrior Star + Converted Stars

🚗💰Warrior Star Converted To Wealth 癸h10

The To Wealth Star usually causes a person to use their natural talents to make more money. Converted To Wealth Warrior Stars are more relaxed, more generous, and may want life to be more stable.

🚗🗡️Warrior Star Converted To Authority 甲h1

When the Warrior Star is converted To Authority, the person has high self-confidence, is strong-willed, assertive, determined, hard-working, has self-restraint, and has higher ambitions.

🚗💰Warrior Star Converted To Self Wealth 癸ph10

🚗🗡️Warrior Star Converted To Self Authority 甲ph1

✨ Absolute Palaces of the Warrior Star

🏡Mansion Star in the Fortune Palace

The Mansion Star symbolizes a house. A house is a palace for storage. The Fortune Palace represents a person's interests, hobbies, and how they spend their money. When the Mansion Star is in the Fortune Palace, the person likes to buy and collect things and usually buys the best items with the highest value.

🌙Moon Star in the Home Palace

Moon Star in Home Palace means that most Warrior Star individuals own their own homes. Their homes are clean and may have a limited amount of sunlight.

🐺Greedy Wolf in the Career Palace

The Greedy Wolf Star symbolizes desire. Greedy Wolf individuals have good social skills at the workplace. They are tactful with their jobs and always have the desire to achieve higher positions. They are not afraid of taking risks to make career changes. If the Convert To Authority Star is also in the Career Palace or its Trio Palaces, the individual is mostly a business owner.

⚗️Dark Star in the Friend Palace

The Dark Star is always in the Friend Palace of Warrior Star individuals, and its essence is 'darkness.' Warrior Stars tend to be blunt and direct in their speech, which can unintentionally hurt others' feelings. As a result, people may talk negatively about them behind their backs. Additionally, Warrior Stars are often lenient with money. When they lend money to their friends, their friends often never repay them, taking advantage of their good nature. Therefore, Warrior Stars must choose their friends carefully.

🍷Prime Minister in the Journey Palace

The Journey Palace represents a person's appearance, and how they express themselves when they are out in public or gathering with friends. When the Prime Minister is in the Journey Palace, it means that the person is well-groomed, polished, and polite.

🌳Elder Star in the Health Palace

The element of the Elder Star is "earth", which means that Warrior Stars need to take good care of their digestive systems such as the stomach and the spleen.

⚔️ Seven Slayer in the Wealth Palace

The Wealth Palace represents how a person makes money. The Seven Slay Star symbolizes competition. When the Seven Slay Star is in the Wealth Palace, the person is highly skilled and highly competitive in making money. The more skilled the person is, the more money the person makes.

🐁Warrior Solo in Mouse Terra

🐎Warrior Solo in Horse Terra

🐅Warrior Star Solo in Tiger Terra

🐒Warrior Star Solo in Monkey Terra

🐉Warrior Solo in Dragon Terra

🐕Warrior Solo in Dog Terra

🚗 Warrior Star the 12 Palaces

🚗Warrior Star in the Parent Palace

The father has a casual personality and is lenient with money. May work as a truck driver, selling second-hand items and overseas items.

🚗Warrior Star in the Fortune Palace

The person may always want to buy expensive items. However, when it comes to purchasing the item, the person is cautious about spending money, and may not buy the item.

🚗Warrior Star in the Home Palace

The person's house looks elegant from the outside, but the inside might be messy. The person is always trying to remodel the house.

🚗Warrior Star in the Career Palace

When the Warrior Star is in the Career Palace, the person always wants to improve their life. They are willing to take risks and make career changes. When they have setbacks, they never give up. They always start over if there is another opportunity.

🚗Warrior Star in the Friend Palace

The Warrior Star is always in the Friend Palace of an Elder Star individual. The essence of the Warrior Star is "depleting and exhausting". The essence of the Elder Star is "Sanctuary". When the Warrior Star is in the Friend Palace, it means that the individual becomes a refuge for their friends. Therefore, they may lose money by helping their friends. Elder Stars must choose their friends carefully, because some of their friends may take advantage of the their good nature.

🚗Warrior Star in the Journey Palace

The Journey Palace represents a person's appearance, and how they express themself when they are out in public or gathering with friends. If the Warrior Star is in the Journey Palace, the person always spends money lavishly.

🚗Warrior Star in the Health Palace

A Warrior person is always "relentlessly charging forward". The essence of the Warrior is "exhaustion”. The Health Palace represents a person's body. If the Warrior Star is in the Health Palace, the person is always physically and mentally exhausted.

🚗Warrior Star in the Wealth Palace

The characteristics of the Warrior Star are "relentlessly charging forward", breakage, and exhaustion. When it is in the Wealth Palace, the individual is generous in spending money. When the To-Brightness star is in the same palace, the individual's spending habits become more conservative.

The Warrior Star is a water element. It symbolizes sea water. Therefore, the person may work as a truck driver, selling overseas and water-related products.

🚗Warrior Star in the Child Palace

The essence of the Warrior Star is "exhausting". A Warrior Star person is always charging forward, similar to a soldier, who has a strong destructive force. The Child Palace represents the firstborn male. It indicates that the firstborn has a lot of imagination, is difficult to discipline, and likes to take things apart and put them back together.

🚗 Warrior Star in the Spouse Palace

The characteristics of the Warrior Star are, "major changes", "always charging forward", and "first destroy, then rebuild". When the Warrior Star is in the Spouse Palace, the Mansion Star individual may not be able to keep up with the Warrior Star partner. For example, most of the time the Mansion Star wants a stable life, but the Warrior Star partner has a lot of dreams, is adventurous, always wants things to change for the better, and is always changing careers. The Mansion Star individual usually makes more money than the Warrior Star partner. Sometimes the Mansion Star has to support the Partner financially. Warrior + converted stars in the Spouse Palace The Warrior Star itself does not convert to one of the four converted stars. Its characteristics can change if it is in the same palace as other converted stars.

  • To-Wealth Star:The partner is generous and has money, so there may not be any money-related issues.
  • To-Brightness Star:The partner is careful and clean, which means the relationship between husband and wife is clean.

🚗Warrior Star in the Sibling Palace

The mother has a casual personality, is lenient with money, and may sell beauty-related products.

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