Doushu Star Prime Minister Star

English Name Chinese Name Yin-Yang Element Essence PALACE RULER Type Class
Prime Minister 天相 (tiān xiàng) Yang Water Acting Authority Career Main H1

🍷 Doushu Star: Prime Minister

🍷 Prime Minister in the Life Palace

🍷The Prime Minister Star is the representative (acting authority) of the King. He serves as an intermediary between the King and the people. He must fulfill the wishes of the King above and satisfy the demands of the people below.
🍷Prime Minister individuals are sophisticated and elegant. They are always well-groomed, take pride in their appearance, enjoy good food,  and appreciate the finer things in life. They have good social skills. They know how to say the right thing to the right person.
🍷They are responsible, have good organizational and coordination skills, and are good at saving and managing money. They are cautious and rule-abiding, so much so that others may sometimes perceive them as stubborn, unyielding, indecisive, hesitant about trivial matters, or having some inexplicable insistence on meaningless things.
🍷They are also good listeners and always seek the advice of others before making decisions. They are compassionate and enjoy helping others, but can sometimes be too curious about other people's affairs.


🍷Prime Minister + Converted Stars

The Prime Minister does not convert to any of the four converted stars. The Prime Minister has the properties of the To Brightness Star, which means that the Prime Minister has the power to minimize or remove misfortune. However, the power is not as strong as the To Brightness Star or the To Self-Brightness Star.

✨Absolute Palaces of the Prime Minister

🏡Mansion Star in the Wealth Palace

The Mansion Star represents a house or the treasury. The front door of the house is closed most of the time. A house can take in stuff. When the Mansion Star is in the Wealth Palace, it means that the person is good at managing and saving money. The person is also cautious about spending money and unwilling to make high-risk investments.

🌙Moon Star in the Career Palace

The Career Palace represents a person's job. When the Moon Star is in the Career Palace, the person's job may involve caring for others or selling female-oriented items.

🐺Greedy Wolf in the Spouse Palace

The Greedy Wolf Star is the Primary Love Star of the Doushu main stars. If it is in the Spouse Palace, the individual usually has a beautiful and handsome partner, and the partner has good social skills. If the Right-Assistant-Star, or the Left-Assistant-Star, is also in the Spouse Place, the partner might be seeing a third person, especially if the partner is a male.

  • 🐺👨🏻Greedy Wolf Star + Left-Assistant Star in the Spouse Palace: The partner has male friends.
  • 🐺👩🏻Greedy Wolf Star + Right-Assistant Star in the Spouse Palace: The partner has female friends.

⚗️Analyst Star in the Sibling Palace

The Sibling Palace represents the mother or the person's eldest brother. The essence of the Analyst Star is "darkness". It symbolizes the mouth. Analyst Stars like to seek the truth about things. They are good at debating and have excellent analytical skills. Sometimes they like to gossip about others and may have arguments with family members.

🌳Elder Star in the Parent Palace

The Parent Palace represents the father. When the Elder Star is in the Parent Palace, it usually means that the father is a good person, likes to help, and stands up for others. The father is also talkative and has a lot of stories to tell. The Elder Star also symbolizes a village chief. Thus, the Elder Star father may have a controlling nature.

⚔️Seven Slayer in the Fortune Palace

The Fortune Palace represents what is in a person's mind. The Seven Slayer Star is the military general. It is one of the two fighter stars of Polaris Astrology. Seven Slayers always want to be better at what they do and have a better life. If it is in the Fortune Palace, it means that the person is always thinking about how to become better or how to make more money. The Seven Slayer Star also symbolizes a knife. That is why many Seven Slayers have trouble sleeping. If the To-Brightness Star is in the same palace as the Seven Slayer Star,  it will alleviate the sleeping issues.

🚗Warrior Star in the Journey Palace

The Journey Palace represents a person's appearance, and how they express themself when they are out in public or gathering with friends. If the Warrior Star is in the Journey Palace, the person always spends money lavishly.

🐂Prime Minister Solo in the Ox Palace

🐐Prime Minister Solo in the Goat Palace

🐇Prime Minister Solo in the Rabbit Palace

🐓Prime Minister Solo in the Rooster Palace

🐍Prime Minister Solo in the Snake Palace

🐖Prime Minister Solo in the Pig Palace

🍷 Prime Minister in the 12 Palaces

🍷Prime Minister in the Parent Palace

The Parent Palace represents the father. If the Prime Minister is in the Parent Palace, it means that the father is careful, does everything by the book, is compassionate, and always helps others, such as helping the neighbors. Also, the father is always curious about people and may want to know how others are doing.

🍷Prime Minister in Fortune Palace

The Fortune Palace represents a person's interests and hobbies. When the Prime Minister is in the Fortune Palace, the person usually likes to be in a quiet environment. Maybe this is because Greedy Wolf Stars have good social skills, and they are always busy at work, so when they have free time, they like to be alone in a quiet environment. The Prime Minister also represents daily necessities, such as food and clothing. Since the characteristic of the Greedy Wolf Star is "desire”. A Greedy Wolf person may have the hobby of shopping and buying clothing.

🍷Prime Minister in the Home Palace

A Prime Minister person is cautious and has good organizational skills. When the star is in the Home Palace, it means that the person's home has a high safety standard. The home is neat and tidy; each household item has its own palace.

🍷Prime Minister in Career Palace

The Prime Minister is the intermediary between the King and the civilians. If the Prime Minister is in the Career Palace, a person usually has a high social status profession, such as an office manager or, engineer.

🍷Prime Minister in the Friend Palace

The person usually has polite and helpful friends.

🍷Prime Minister in the Journey Palace

The Journey Palace represents a person's appearance, and how they express themselves when they are out in public or gathering with friends. When the Prime Minister is in the Journey Palace, it means that the person is well-groomed, polished, and polite.

🍷Prime Minister in the Health Palace

The person is basically healthy.

🍷Prime Minister in the Wealth Palace

The person mostly works in the service industry.

🍷Prime Minister in Child Palace

The parents mostly do not need to worry about the firstborn son. The child is a good listener and knows what he is doing at school. However, he might be tenacious at times.

🍷Prime Minister in the Spouse Palace

The Prime Minister is always in the Spouse Palace of the Seven Slayer Star. The Prime Minister is conservative and unbending, doesn't want any changes, and is usually happy with the current situation. However, the Seven Slayer Star always wants to take risks to make life better, such as starting a new business or making a career change. Thus, the Seven Slayer Star person may feel that the partner is holding them back. Thus, it may cause marriage issues.

  • 🍷👩🏻Prime Minister + Right-Assistant Star in the Spouse Palace: The partner might be seeing other women.
  • 🍷👩🏻Prime Minister + Converted To-Brightness-Right-Assistant Star in the Spouse Palace: Usually, if the To-Brightness Star is in the Spouse Palace, the person has a clean marital relationship with the partner. However, if the Right-Assistant Star is converted To-Brightness in the same palace as the Prime Minister, the partner might be seeing only one other woman (not multiple).
  • 🍷👨🏻Prime Minister + Converted To-Brightness-Left-Assistant Star in the Spouse Palace: Usually, if the To-Brightness Star is in the Spouse Palace, the person has a clean marital relationship with the partner. However, if the Left-Assistant Star is converted To-Brightness in the same palace as the Prime Minister, the partner may have male friends. (A woman seeing other men is usually less likely than a man seeing other women.)

🍷Prime Minister in the Sibling Palace

The Sibling Palace represents (your) eldest brother and the mother. When the Prime Minister is in the Sibling Palace, the mother is organized, cautious, and unbanding. Also, the mother is a good person and likes to help others. She is passionate about taking care of the family, including the neighbors.

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