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🌟All Solo Star Formations (Only One Main Star In The Life Palace)
🐁Polaris Solo in the Mouse Terra
🐎Polaris Solo in the Horse Terra
🐁Thinker Star Solo in the Mouse Terra
🐎Thinker Satr Solo in the Horse Terra
🐂Thinker Star Solo in the Ox Terra
🐐Thinker Star Solo in the Goat Terra
🐍Thinker Star Solo in the Snake Terra
🐖Thinker Star Solo in the Pig Terra
🐁Sun Solo in Mouse Terra
🐎Sun Solo in Horse Terra
🐉Sun Solo in Dragon Terra
🐕Sun Solo in Dog Terra
🐍Sun Solo in Snake Terra
🐖Sun Solo in Pig Terra
🐉Gold Star Solo in the Dragon Terra
🐕Gold Star Solo in the Dog Terra
🐉Child Solo in the Dragon Terra
🐕Child Solo in the Dog Terra
🐇Child Solo in the Rabbit Terra
🐓Child Solo in the Rooster Terra
🐉Child Solo in the Snake Terra
🐖Child Solo in the Pig Terra
🐅Wild Star Solo in the Tiger Terra
🐒Wild Star Solo in the Monkey Terra
🐂Mansion Solo in the Ox Terra
🐐Mansion Solo in the Goat Terra
🐇Mansion Solo in the Rabbit Terra
🐓Mansion Solo in the Rooster Terra
🐍Mansion Solo in the Snake Terra
🐖Mansion Solo in the Pig Terra
🐇Moon Solo in the Rabbit Terra
🐓Moon Solo in the Rooster Terra
🐉Moon Solo in the Dragon Terra
🐕Moon Solo in the Dog Terra
🐍Moon Solo in the Snake Terra
🐖Moon Solo in the Pig Terra
🐁Greedy Wolf Solo in the Mouse Terra
🐎Greedy Wolf Solo in the Horse Terra
🐉Greedy Wolf Solo in the Dragon Terra
🐕Greedy Wolf Solo in the Dog Terra
🐅Greedy Wolf Solo in the Tiger Terra
🐒Greedy Wolf Solo in the Monkey Terra
🐁Dark Star in the Mouse Terra
🐎Dark Star in the Horse Terra
🐉Dark Star in the Dragon Terra
🐕Dark Star in the Dog Terra
🐍Dark Star in the Snake Terra
🐖Dark Star in the Pig Terra
🐂Prime Minister Solo in the Ox Terra
🐐Prime Minister Solo in the Goat Terra
🐇Prime Minister Solo in the Rabbit Terra
🐓Prime Minister Solo in the Rooster Terra
🐍Prime Minister Solo in the Snake Terra
🐖Prime Minister Solo in the Pig Terra
🐁Elder Solo in the Mouse Terra
🐎Elder Solo in the Horse Terra
🐂Elder Solo in the Ox Terra
🐐Elder Solo in the Goat Terra
🐍Elder Solo in the Snake Terra
🐖Elder Solo in the Pig Terra
🐁 Seven Slayer Solo in Mouse Terra
🐎 Seven Slayer Solo in the Horse Terra
🐉 Seven Slayer Solo in the Dragon Terra
🐕 Seven Slayer Solo in the Dog Terra
🐅 Seven Slayer Solo in the Tiger Terra
🐒Seven Slayer Solo in the Monkey Terra
🐁Warrior Solo in Mouse Terra
🐎Warrior Solo in Horse Terra
🐅Warrior Star Solo in Tiger Terra
🐒Warrior Star Solo in Monkey Terra
🐉Warrior Solo in Dragon Terra
🐕Warrior Solo in Dog Terra