The Properties of Yin and Yang

Yin is the opposite of Yang and Yang is the opposite of Yin. Things that are formless are positive (Yang) and things that are massive are negative (Yin). Therefore, when defined in Yin and Yang, an electron is positive and a proton is negative.

Poor is Yang and wealthy is Yin. Yang dissipates and evaporates. It is becoming less and less; therefore, is poor. Yin condenses and accumulates. It is becoming more and more; therefore, is wealthy.

Traditionally, the Chinese compass direction is different from the Western compass direction. According to Chinese geomancy (Feng Shui), the top is positive and the bottom is negative. The top represents the south and is hot. The bottom represents the north and is cold.

The sun rises from the east (the lefthand side). Thus, the lefthand is considered Yang. The sun sets in the west (the righthand side). Thus, the right hand is considered Yin. Yang dissipates, and Yin condenses. This is why for most people, their right hand is stronger than their left hand.

The sun first rises and then sets, from yang (leader) to yin (followers). Thus, many leaders are lefthanded.

Traditional Chinese compass direction
Traditional Chinese compass direction

Yin and Yang
male female spring autumn electron proton summer winter
energy mass question answer small large robbing stealing
up down expose conceal light darkness give receive
dissipate condense awake sleeping hot cold injuries diseases
happiness sadness birth death out in go out return home
positive negative beginning ending vertical horizontal day night
fast slow poor wealthy good bad sun moon
left right growing deteriorating life death white black
back front moving stagnant *south *north *east *west
short long strengthen endurance lost found strong week
leader follower dry humid active passive attack defense
Yin Yang

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