Binary Affirmation VS. Affirmation

What Are Typical Affirmations, And Why Can They Sometimes Be Harmful

Typical affirmations are positive statements or phrases that are repeated to oneself regularly. They are based on the belief that positive thoughts and self-talk can have a profound impact on one's mindset, emotions, and behavior. Affirmations are often used to replace negative thoughts, reinforce positive beliefs, and lead to a more optimistic outlook on life. However, sometimes reading or practicing typical affirmations can trigger a person's psychological defense mechanisms, which may cause problems later on.

When you are reading a typical affirmation, deep down inside, do you truly believe the message you are reading, or are you just lying to yourself? Even though you are saying one thing with your mouth, your mind may be thinking the opposite. This is normal human behavior, and it is similar to Newton's third law: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Disbelief is a person's natural defense mechanism.

For example, whenever you read an advertisement telling you to buy a product you have never seen or used before, no matter how incredible, how amazing the product is, or how well the advertisement is written, you simultaneously ask yourself: Is this advertisement telling the truth, or is it just a scam? Is it really worth your money? Your disbelief or your mental defense mechanism is pulling you back from buying the product. It is protecting you from losing your money.

Normally, your body will reject any unknown foreign object that enters it. For example, most people will not eat anything they have never seen or donโ€™t know where it comes from. A patient who had an organ transplant would reject the newly transplanted organ because it is a foreign object, the protein structure of the foreign object is unknown to the patient's body. Similarly, a person's mind will most likely reject or disbelieve any message that is not clear, unknown, or uncertain.

Some messages can greatly affect a person's emotions, make someone feel sad, and even cause pain. Accepting such messages can be dangerous and unsafe. If a message from an affirmation seems unbelievable, it will most likely be rejected by the person's defense mechanism. Because of this, many people who practice affirmation either quickly give up or don't have much success.
Rejecting an affirmation by the body's defense mechanism may seem harmless, however, it could create a mental block that hinders personal growth.

Consider this typical affirmation: "My money is growing faster and faster every day."

Before reading this affirmation, a person's feelings about future financial growth are likely to be neutral or unchanged from their usual beliefs. After reading it, however, they're forced to think about how their money might grow in the future. This raises questions: Is their money really going to grow faster and faster? Is that realistic? Reading such a message can trigger the person's defense mechanism, potentially causing them to form new opinions or change existing beliefs about future financial growth. Because the future is uncertain, the person may have doubts about what they've read.

As a result, their attitude toward rapid financial growth could shift from neutral to skeptical. Subconsciously, they may have conditioned themselves to reject future opportunities for accelerated financial growth. The concept of "money growing faster and faster" may now be categorized in their minds as untrue because of their initial disbelief or rejection of the affirmation.
As a result, well-intentioned affirmations can sometimes have unintended negative consequences.

Reading is learning. When you read something, you learn something. If you have doubts about what you read and the doubts are not removed, it becomes your belief. It becomes a part of your defense mechanism. It becomes a shield that could block off your future money-making opportunities. In conclusion, for some people, reading typical affirmations can trigger the opposite of the message suggested. Consequently, it creates a shield for future opportunities. In order to increase the credibility of an affirmation, change the typical affirmation to a binary affirmation.

What is Binary Affirmation

The future is elusive; it cannot be seen or touched. It exists only in a person's mind as imagination, hopes, and dreams. For a person's dream to come true, they must first overcome most of their disbelief and negative feelings about taking action.
Once these feelings are overcome, a person will feel safe. When someone feels safe, taking action becomes less risky. Consequently, their defense mechanisms are lowered or turned off, allowing them to stop procrastinating, take action, and walk the path toward their dream.
Binary affirmation is a method used to insert positive beliefs and feelings into a person's mind with minimal rejection by their defense mechanisms.
In binary affirmation, the word binary means two opposites:

  • Yin is the opposite of Yang.
  • True is the opposite of false.
  • Existence is the opposite of non-existence.
  • Acceptance is the opposite of rejection.
  • Already is the opposite of yet to come.
  • Uncertainty is the opposite of certainty.

A binary affirmation takes two or more statements with opposite meanings and combines them into one.The following is an example of a get-rich-quick binary affirmation.

Lightning is fast, Every day my money is growing extremely fast.

The first statement, "Lightning is fast," is universally recognized as true, and it is 100% true by most people's definition.
Because of this, a person's defense mechanism will not reject this statement.

The second statement, "Every day, my money is growing extremely fast," is a typical affirmation used by many. The question is whether the person who reads this statement truly believes it. For most people, the belief in this statement is around 50-50. Although their money may not currently be growing as fast as they would like, it could happen in the future, or it may never grow at all. The future is unknown. The future is unknown. A person's defense mechanism does not like to accept anything that is uncertain or unknown. So the credibility of the second statement is most likely around 50%.

However, when the first and second statements are combined into one affirmation.
Lightning is fast, Every day my money is growing extremely fast.
Now, is this affirmation true or false?

The answer is: it is around 75% true.
The first statement is 100% true. The second statement is 50% true. 100% truth plus 50% truth divided by 2 equals 75% truth.

The answer is: it is around 75% true.
The first statement is 100% true. The second statement is 50% true. 100% truth plus 50% truth divided by 2 equals 75% truth.
75% is greater than 50%.

With a higher percentage of truth, the credibility of the affirmation increases. A person's mind is more likely to accept the combined statements as a whole.
Some may argue that the percentage of truth in the second statement is an assumption and that growing one's money faster may be less than 50%.
However, as long as the percentage of truth in the second message is greater than 0%, the method works.
Even if the second message has only 1% truth, 100% plus 1%, divided by 2 equals 50.5%.
The percentage of truth is still greater than 50%.
Some might also argue that the first and second messages are unrelated, like apples and oranges, and cannot be combined. Yes, they can. First, no rules say they cannot. Second, combining two of the opposite is the natural way to make progress.

This is how the universe works: Opposites attract each other.

  • In magnets, the North Pole and the South Pole attract.
  • In chemistry, protons and electrons attract.
  • In biology, most animals and people of the opposite sex attract each other.
  • In binary affirmation, certainties and uncertainties attract.

Because of this, binary affirmation is the natural way for personal improvement. Binary affirmation is like a sugar-coated pill. The sweetness on the outside makes the pill easy to swallow. Without the sugar coating, the pill may be too bitter, and fewer people would take it. Binary affirmation is also like a bicycle with training wheels, making learning to ride less fearful. As a result, binary affirmation inserts messages into a person's mind without or with minimum rejection by the mindโ€™s defense mechanism. Once the message is inside the mind, it becomes a part of the person. It becomes a section of the person's memory. It becomes the will of the person. A person's will is a force. It is the energy that pushes a person toward a particular direction, toward the direction of the message suggested.