Genius Stars


⚗️Genius Star and 🍑Longevity Star

English Name Chinese Name Yin-Yang Element Type Class
Genius 天才 (tiān cái) yin wood Miscellaneous H2
Longevity 天壽 (tiān shòu) yin earth Miscellaneous H2

⚗️Genius Star

Genius Stars are talented. Their talents tend to be in math, science, and problem-solving. Unlike the Spiritual Star, the talents of Spiritual Stars are more toward philosophy, astrology, and religion.

⚗️The Genius star is nicknamed the Little Thinker Star. Its characteristics are similar to the Thinker Star, but not as strong as the Thinker Star. When both stars are in the same palace, the person becomes smarter, more agile in thinking, and often uses unpredictable methods to solve problems.

⚗️However, if the Genius Star and Challenge Stars such as the Blade Star or the Fire Star are also in the same palace at the same time, the person may use their talents for evil purposes.
Longevity Star

🍑Longevity Star

🍑If the Longevity Star is found in the Health Palace of the current year, it means that the person's illness will improve or be cured.

🍑If the Longevity Star is encountered in the Wealth Palace, it will prolong the period of making money. However, if a person is losing money, it will also prolong the period of loss.

Note: The Genius Star and Longevity Star have very little effect. They are not used by most Polaris astrologers.

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