🪙🏠Gold Mansion Dual in the Mouse Palace and Horse Palace

💰🏠Both the Gold Star and the Mansion Star are Wealth Stars.

🪙The Gold Star is the action "wealth star". Gold Stars are hard-working, reliable, and good at executing plans. They love to make money.

🏠The Mansion Star is the "savings wealth star". It represents a bank or the Treasury. It is also the King Star of the Southern star system. Mansion Stars have good leadership skills, good at managing and saving money. They are cautious about risky investments.

🪙🏠When both stars are in the same palace, Gold Mansions become money vacuums. They are always saving money, and only invest in non-risky investments. They are excellent bargain hunters. That doesn't mean they're stingy. It is their nature to find the highest quality products that cost the least amount of money.

👉More about: 🪙The Gold Star, 🏠The Mansion Star

🪙🏠The 12 Palace of Gold Mansion Dual

☀️🌙Sun Star and Moon Star in Parent Palace

🌞 Sun Star in Parent Palace

The Parent Palace represents the father. If the Sun Star is in the Parent Palace, it means that the father is positive, has vitality, and takes care of the family. If the Sun Star is converted to authority, the father is assertive.

🌙👨🏻Moon Star in the Parent Palace

When the Moon Star is in the Parent Palace, the father is feminine. Since the moon goes through phases, the father may have emotional issues at times. If the Moon Start is converted To-:

  • 🌙💰Moon Star + To-Wealth:the father is generous. To-Wealth usually means having more money.
  • 🌙🗡️Moon Star + To-Authority:the father is assertive, and may not be gentle.
  • 🌙🛡️Moon Star + To-Brightness:the father is cautious, and likes cleanliness.
  • 🌙🐌Moon Star +To-Darkness:The father works hard to take care of the family, and tends to save the bad stuff for himself and give the good stuff to others.

Moon Star + Other Main Stars in the Parent Palace:

  • 🌙🧠Moon Star and Thinker Star in the Parent Palace: The father is kind and smart, but sometimes may be unable to focus especially when the Thinker Star is converted to darkness.
  • 🌙☀️Moon Star and Sun Star in the Parent Palace: The father is more masculine and outgoing.
  • 🌙🐻Moon Star and Child Star in the Parent Palace: The father is more optimistic.

🐺Greedy Wolf in Fortune Palace

The Greedy Wolf Star represents desire. The Fortune Palace represents a person's interests and hobbies. When the Greedy Wolf Star is in the Fortune Palace, it means that the person has a strong desire for something.

  • 🐺👑Greedy Wolf + King Star in the Fortune Palace: The person likes to buy high-end items because the essence of King Star is "royalty".
  • 🐺🦁Greedy Wolf + Wild Star in the Fortune Palace: A Wild Star person is not afraid to take risks. If the Wild Star is in the same palace as the Greedy Wolf Star, the person is willing to take risks to make business investments or do things that others wouldn't normally do.
  • 🐺🪙Greedy Wolf + Gold Star is in the Fortune Palace: The Gold Star represents money. When it is in the same palace as the Greedy Wolf, the person is always thinking about how to make a lot of money.
  • 🐺👨🏻Greedy Wolf Star + Left-Assistant Star in the Fortune Palace: The person is always thinking about men.
  • 🐺👩🏻Greedy Wolf Star + Right-Assistant Star in the Fortune Palace: The person is always thinking about women.
  • 🐺❣️Greedy Wolf Star + Charmer Star in the Fortune Palace: The person is always thinking about sex.
  • 🐺✝️🧙‍♂️Greedy Wolf Star + Religion Star or Wizard Star in the Fortune Palace: The person may be interested in religion, philosophy, astrology, or tarot.
  • 🐺💰Greedy Wolf Star + To-Wealth Star in the Fortune Palace: The person may be interested in drinking.

🧠⚗️Thinker Star and Analyst Star in Home Palace

🧠Thinker Star in the Home Palace

The element of the Thinker Star is wood. The Home Palace represents a person's living environment. When the Thinker Star is in the Home Palace, it means that the person's home may have a lot of plants or is near a park, or factory. If the Thinker Star is converted to one of the four converted stars and the Music Star is also in the Home Palace, the person may like to collect woodcarvings or antiques.

⚗️Analyst Star in the Home Palace

The Analyst Star symbolizes darkness. If it is in the Home Palace, it could mean that the person's home has a limited amount of sunlight. It could also mean that valuable items, such as gold, silver, and money, may be hidden in the house. The Analyst Star also symbolizes the "mouth", which means that there may be quarreling in the house.

👑🍷Polaris Star and Prime Minister Star in Career Palace

👑Polaris Star in the Career Palace

The Polaris Star is the king star. Its essence is "royalty". If it is in the Career Palace, The person is a natural leader, egocentric, probably a manager, and has a high status job.

👑Polaris To-Authority in the Wealth or Career Palace

The person is either a high-ranking executive or a business owner.

🍷Prime Minister in Career Palace

The Prime Minister is the intermediary between the King and the civilians. If the Prime Minister is in the Career Palace, a person usually has a high social status profession, such as an office manager or, engineer.

🌳Elder Star in Friend Palace

An Elder Star person symbolizes a village leader or group leader, is talkative, has many stories to tell, likes to help others, and will stand up for others in need. If the Elder Star is in the Friend Palace, the person has many helpful friends, especially older friends or friends who always act like group leaders.

⚔️ Seven Slayer in the Journey Palace

The Seven Slayer Star is always in the Journey Palace of a Mansion Star person. The essence of the Mansion Star is to "give orders". The Seven Slayer Star is one of the two "Fighter Stars" of Polaris Astrology. It is also one of the three "Blade Stars". The Journey Palace represents a person's appearance, how they express themselves, and how others perceive them. When the Seven Slayer Star is in the Journey Palace, the person has a fierce appearance, is straightforward and no-nonsense when speaking, and likes to tell others what to do. Most of the time, others will do as they are told.

❌Health Palace, No Main Stars.
☀️🌕The Sun Star and the Moon Star in the Parent Palace are Used as Main Stars

🌞 Sun Star in Health Palace

The person likes exercise, moving around, and outdoor activities. The element related to the Sun Star is yang-fire (positive fire energy). If the Sun Star is converted to wealth or converted to darkness, the person may need to focus on improving their cardiovascular health. This includes strengthening the heart, managing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, and protecting eye health. The Sun Star also symbolizes the eyes, especially the left eye.

🌙Moon Star in the Health Palace

The element of the Moon Star is yin-water (negative water). If the Moon Star is converted to darkness, the person may have health issues that are hard to detect and may need to pay attention to the urinary system. The Moon Star also represents the right eye. If the person has eye issues, it is most likely the right eye or the right eye is more severe.

🦁 Wild Star in the Wealth Palace

The Wealth Palace represents how a person makes money. The characteristics of the Wild Star are atypical, law-related, and involve taking risks. If the Wild Star is in the Wealth Palace, the person may be a lawyer, or a law enforcement officer and may have law-related, or art-related jobs. The person likes to gamble or does things that involve taking risks.

❌Child Palace, No Main Stars.
🧠⚗️The Thinker Star and the Analyst Star in the Home Palace are Used as Main Stars

🧠Thinker Star in the Child Palace

The child (firstborn male) is smart, kind, and likes to solve puzzles. However, the child may not know how to say no to friends and, thus, is easily influenced by friends, whether the friends are good or bad.

Thinker Converted To Authority in the Child Palace

The Child Palace also represents a person's bedroom activities. If the Thinker Star is converted to authority, it means that the person may have a special talent. Also, the person has a strong sexual desire.

⚗️Analyst Star in Child Palace

The Analyst Star symbolizes the mouth and darkness. The Child Palace represents the first male child. When the Analyst Star is in the Child Palace, it means that the first male child is good at debating and analyzing things. Sometimes the parents may argue with the child, and usually, the child wins the argument. Because the Analyst Star represents the "mouth", the child may have a career that is related to communication, such as a lawyer, lecturer, or sales representative.

🚗 Warrior Star in the Spouse Palace

The characteristics of the Warrior Star are, "major changes", "always charging forward", and "first destroy, then rebuild". When the Warrior Star is in the Spouse Palace, the Mansion Star individual may not be able to keep up with the Warrior Star partner. For example, most of the time the Mansion Star wants a stable life, but the Warrior Star partner has a lot of dreams, is adventurous, always wants things to change for the better, and is always changing careers. The Mansion Star individual usually makes more money than the Warrior Star partner. Sometimes the Mansion Star has to support the Partner financially. Warrior + converted stars in the Spouse Palace The Warrior Star itself does not convert to one of the four converted stars. Its characteristics can change if it is in the same palace as other converted stars.

  • To-Wealth Star:The partner is generous and has money, so there may not be any money-related issues.
  • To-Brightness Star:The partner is careful and clean, which means the relationship between husband and wife is clean.

🐭🐴Gold Mansion Dual can only appear in the Mouse Palace or Horse Palace

🐭Gold Mansion Dual in the Mouse Palace

The person is hardworking, conservative, and doesn't talk much about personal matters except with close friends.

🐴Gold Mansion Dual in the Horse Palace

In comparison, to the Gold Mansion in the Mouse Palace, the person likes to be in charge more and tell others what to do.

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