❤️Marriage Partners Personalities

How to find out your partners’ personalities?

In Polaris Astrology, if you want to know the personality and characteristics of your husband, or wife, observe the stars in the Spouse Palace of your Life Chart. The Spouse Palace represents your partner from your first marriage.

If you are divorced, starting from the Spouse Palace, and going counterclockwise on your life chart, the Child Palace represents your second marriage, and the Wealth Palace represents your third marriage. The Health Palace represents your fourth marriage.

Please note that the Spouse Palace represents the personality and characteristics of your partners in general. Your second and third partners, and so on, still possess some of the characteristics of your first partner. Therefore, the personality of the second partner is determined by the stars in your Spouse Palace plus the stars in your Child Palace. The personality of your third partner is determined by the stars in your Spouse Palace plus the stars in your Wealth Palace.

The most important stars that determine your partner's personality are: