👑🍷King Minister Dual in the Dragon Palace and the Dog Palace

👑Polaris Stars are hardworking, and ambitious, make their own decisions, and like to be in control. From the perspective of others, they are arrogant.

🍷A Prime Minister is the middle person between the King above and the people below. Prime Ministers are well-groomed, good listeners, careful, organized, warm-hearted, and like to help others. They have good social skills. They know what to say to different people. Because prime ministers are mediators, they make decisions by listening to and evaluating opinions from all sides.

👑🍷A King Minister is when both the Prime Minister Star and the Polaris Star are in the same palace. King Ministers are less arrogant, more friendly, and easier to deal with. They are more likely to listen to others. However, they can have conflicting personalities. They always want to be in control, but when it comes to making decisions, they suddenly don't know what to do without listening to others. As they get older, their self-conflicting personalities will diminish. They will know when to take control and when to listen to others.

👉More about: 👑The Polaris Star 🍷The Prime Minister

The 12 Palace of King Minister Dual

🌳Elder Star in the Parent Palace

The Parent Palace represents the father. When the Elder Star is in the Parent Palace, it usually means that the father is a good person, likes to help, and stands up for others. The father is also talkative and has a lot of stories to tell. The Elder Star also symbolizes a village chief. Thus, the Elder Star father may have a controlling nature.

⚔️Seven Slayer in the Fortune Palace

The Fortune Palace represents what is in a person's mind. The Seven Slayer Star is the military general. It is one of the two fighter stars of Polaris Astrology. Seven Slayers always want to be better at what they do and have a better life. If it is in the Fortune Palace, it means that the person is always thinking about how to become better or how to make more money. The Seven Slayer Star also symbolizes a knife. That is why many Seven Slayers have trouble sleeping. If the To-Brightness Star is in the same palace as the Seven Slayer Star,  it will alleviate the sleeping issues.

❌Home Palace, No Main Stars.
☀️🌕The Sun Star and the Moon Star in the Child Palace are Used as Main Stars

🌞 Sun Star in Home Palace

The home is warm, bright, and full of sunlight.

🌙Moon Star in the Home Palace

Moon Star in Home Palace means that most Warrior Star individuals own their own homes. Their homes are clean and may have a limited amount of sunlight.

🦁Wild Star in Career Palace

The Career Palace is also called the Activity Palace. When the Wild Star is in the Career Palace, it indicates that the person is clever, nonconforming, willing to gamble, take risks, and rule-abiding (their own set of rules). They are also sensitive to color, which is why many have art-related jobs. When it comes to solving problems, they use tactics that others would never think of.

❌Friend Palace, No Main Stars.
🧠⚗️The Thinker Star and the Analyst Star in the Sibling Palace are Used as Main Stars

🧠Thinker Star in the Friend Palace

The person has kind, smart, and knowledgeable friends. Friends that can give advice.

⚗️Analyst Star in the Friend Palace

The Analyst Star is always in the Friend Palace of Warrior Star individuals, and the essence of the Analyst Star is "Darkness". Warrior Stars are blunt and direct in their speech. Sometimes, what they say can hurt others' feelings without them even realizing it. Because of this, others may talk negatively about them behind their backs. In addition, Warrior Stars are often lenient with money. If they lend money to their friends, many times their friends will never repay them, taking advantage of their good nature. Therefore, Warrior Stars must choose their friends carefully.

🚗Warrior Star in the Journey Palace

The Journey Palace represents a person's appearance, and how they express themself when they are out in public or gathering with friends. If the Warrior Star is in the Journey Palace, the person always spends money lavishly.

🧸 Child Star in the Health Palace

The Health Palace represents a person's body and inner feelings. The element of the Child Star is water. When the Child star is converted to Darkness, the person needs to pay attention to their water-element organs, such as the kidneys, pancreas, and urinary system.

🪙🏠Gold Star and Mansion Star in the Wealth Palace

🪙 Gold Star in the Wealth Palace

The Gold Star represents money. Gold Stars are hardworking and reliable. They may have occupations that are money-related.

🏡Mansion Star in the Wealth Palace

The Mansion Star represents a house or the treasury. The front door of the house is closed most of the time. A house can take in stuff. When the Mansion Star is in the Wealth Palace, it means that the person is good at managing and saving money. The person is also cautious about spending money and unwilling to make high-risk investments.

☀️🌕Sun Star and Moon Star in the Child Palace

🌞 Sun Star in Child Palace

The Child Palace represents the firstborn son. A Sun Star child is positive, has vitality, and is outgoing. Also, a Sun Star child needs others' attention and likes to be praised.

☀️If the Sun Star is in the same palace as:

  • Sun Star and Analyst Star:The child is excellent at communication and has good analytical skills.
  • Sun Star and  Elder Star:The child likes to help others and is talkative.
  • Sun Star and Moon Star:The child is thoughtful and detail-oriented and may have the habit of saving money.

🌙Moon Star in the Child Palace

The Child Palace represents the firstborn male child. The Moon Star is a motherly star. It is feminine and likes to take care of others. When it is in the Child Palace, it usually means that the child is gentle and polite. If the Moon Star is converted:

  • 🌙💰Moon Star + To-Wealth:The child becomes more detail-oriented, and likes to save money.
  • 🌙🗡️Moon Star + To-Authority:The child becomes less gentle and more assortative.
  • 🌙🛡️Moon Star + To-Brightness:The child becomes more gentle, polite, cautious, and likes cleanliness.
  • 🌙🐌Moon Star + To-Darkness:The child may have issues with female individuals.

🐺Greedy Wolf in the Spouse Palace

The Greedy Wolf Star is the Primary Love Star of the Doushu main stars. If it is in the Spouse Palace, the individual usually has a beautiful and handsome partner, and the partner has good social skills. If the Right-Assistant-Star, or the Left-Assistant-Star, is also in the Spouse Place, the partner might be seeing a third person, especially if the partner is a male.

  • 🐺👨🏻Greedy Wolf Star + Left-Assistant Star in the Spouse Palace: The partner has male friends.
  • 🐺👩🏻Greedy Wolf Star + Right-Assistant Star in the Spouse Palace: The partner has female friends.

🧠⚗️Thinker Analyst Dual in the Sibling Palace

🧠Thinker Star in the Sibling Palace

The Sibling Palace symbolizes the mother and/or the first brother. The Fortune Palace represents a person's interests and hobbies. If the Thinker Star is in the Fortune Palace, the person is interested in subjects that seek the truth, such as religion, astrology, or philosophy. The essence of the Thinker Star is "darkness", which can cause the person to always look at the negative aspects of a situation.

If the Thinker Star is  Converted To Darkness

The person may be overthinking, indecisive, and unable to concentrate. They are capable but lack confidence. The problem may be caused by self-inflicted mental stress. Especially when the Sun Star is in a "night palace". When the Sun Star is in a night palace, the Sun Star does not have enough light to alleviate the darkness of the Thinker Star. If you are in the same or similar situation, you need to practice looking at the bright side of things and always think positive.

If the Thinker is converted to Self Darkness

The characteristics of the Self Darkness Star are similar to the To-Darkness. However, the effects can be more severe. To alleviate the issue, the person must always think positively and stay away from negative thoughts.

⚗️Analyst Star in the Sibling Palace

The Sibling Palace represents the mother or the person's eldest brother. The essence of the Analyst Star is "darkness". It symbolizes the mouth. Analyst Stars like to seek the truth about things. They are good at debating and have excellent analytical skills. Sometimes they like to gossip about others and may have arguments with family members.

👑🍷King Minister Dual can only appear in the Dragon Palace or the Dog Palace

🐉King Minister Dual in the Dragon Palace

The Dragon Palace is a morning palace. A person in the Dragon Palace has high ambitions and works hard.

🐕King Minister Dual in the Dog Palace

The Dog Palace is a night palace. A person in the Dog Palace is more detail-oriented and focuses more on taking care of the family.

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