Sky Affliction Star, Sky-Messenger Star

🚨Sky Affliction and ⚠️Sky Messenger

Chinese Name English Name Yin-Yang Element Type Class
Sky Affliction 天傷 (tiān shāng) yang water Miscellaneous H2
Sky Messenger 天使 (tiān shǐ) yin water Miscellaneous H2

The Sky Affliction Star always appears in a person's 6th Major Fortune Palace (which begins around the age of 50), and the Sky Messenger Star always appears in a person's 8th Major Fortune Palace (which begins around the age of 70). These stars serve as alarms, signaling that starting from the 6th Major Fortune, a person should begin paying close attention to their health and financial well-being if they haven't already. In the Life Chart, starting from the 6th Major Fortune, it's important to closely monitor the Challenge Stars, especially the to-darkness Star.

Note: If the 6th Major Fortune Palace is in the Friend Palace, then the 8th Major Fortune will be in the Health Palace, or vice versa—the 6th Major Fortune in the Health Palace and the 8th Major Fortune in the Friend Palace.

🚨Sky Affliction

The Sky Affliction Star represents a lack of energy, weakness, and loss of wealth, especially when it is in the Friend Palace.

⚠️Sky Messenger

The Sky Messenger Star represents illness, especially when it is located in the Health Palace.

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