Doushu Star Elder Thinker Star

🌳🧠Elder Thinker Dual in the Dragon Palace and the Dog Palace

🌳Elder Stars are compassionate and like to help others. They are talkative. They have a sense of justice and stand up for what is right. They adhere strictly to their own principles. In the eyes of others, they are inflexible or stubborn. They have their own bottom line. They will distance themselves from people who do not adhere to the same principles as they do. Because of this, they can be lonely at times.

🧠The Thinker Star represents the thinker, the nervous system, and the limbs of the human body. Thinker Stars are intelligent, logical, knowledgeable, good at mathematics, and kind. The essence of the Thinker Star is "change". Thinker Stars' thoughts are constantly changing. Sometimes their thoughts change so quickly that they cannot concentrate on one subject.

🧠🌳When both stars are in the same palace, the thoughts of the Elder Thinkers are more stable and focused. They follow their own principles. They are more rational and less unyielding. They are the nerdy type and are usually good at science. They are good storytellers and can go on and on about anything. According to the ancient text, Elder Thinker people like to talk about subjects related to the military.

👉More about: 🌳The Elder Star 🧠The Thinker Star

The 12 Palaces of Elder Thinker Dual

👑⚔️Polar Star and Seven Slayer Star in Parent Palace

👑Polaris Star in the Parent Palace

The essence of the Polaris Star is royalty. It represents high status. When it is in the Parent Palace. It means that the father is in control of the family and wants everyone to listen to him. If the Polaris Star is converted to authority. The father becomes more serious. The father may be an executive of a company and have high social status jobs.

⚔️ Seven Slayer in the Parent Palace

The Parent Palace represents the father. When the Seven Slayer Star is in the Parent Palace, the father has a serious personality and talks straight. Therefore, the person may be constantly arguing with the father. If the To-Brightness Star is also in the Parent Palace or the Health Palace, the problem is reduced.

❌Fortune Palace, No Main Stars
🐻🌕The Child Star and the Moon Star in the Wealth Palace are Used as Main Stars

🧸Child Star in the Fortune Palace

The person has a positive mentality and likes to eat and have fun.

🌙Moon Star in the Fortune Palace

The Moon Star is a feminine star. If it is in the Fortune Palace, the person has a habit of planning for the future and saving money. Because the Moon goes through phases, the person may sometimes have emotional breakdowns. Also, the person may always be thinking about women, regardless of whether the person is male or female.

❌Home Palace, No Main Stars
🪙🐺The Gold Star and the Greedy Wolf Star in the Child Palace are Used as Main Stars

🪙 Gold Star in the Home Palace

There may be financial establishments near the person's home, such as banks, and investment firms.

🐺Greedy Wolf in the Home Palace

The person's home is probably in a busy area, and there are supermarkets or bars nearby. There may also be people drinking in the house, especially if the Greedy Wolf is converted to wealth.

❌Career Palace, No Main Stars
☀️⚗️The Sun Star and the Analyst Star in the Spouse Palace are Used as Main Stars

🌞 Sun Star in Career Palace

The Career Palace represents a person's activity. The person's job may involve taking care of others and has a high probability of being a manager.

⚗️Analyst Star in the Career Palace

The Career Palace is the activity palace. If the Analyst Star is in a person's Career Palace, the person may have special skills and have jobs that involve analyzing information. Since the essence of the Analyst Star is "darkness", there might be toxic people in the workplace.

🦁🚚Wild Star and Warrior Star in Friend Palace

🦁Wild Star in Friend Palace

The Wild Star represents artistic, wild, and nonconforming. If it is in the Friend Palace, it means that the person has friends from all walks of life, such as artists, gangsters, and gamblers.

🚗Warrior Star in the Friend Palace

The Warrior Star is always in the Friend Palace of an Elder Star individual. The essence of the Warrior Star is "depleting and exhausting". The essence of the Elder Star is "Sanctuary". When the Warrior Star is in the Friend Palace, it means that the individual becomes a refuge for their friends. Therefore, they may lose money by helping their friends. Elder Stars must choose their friends carefully, because some of their friends may take advantage of the their good nature.

❌Journey Palace, No Main Stars
🧠🌳The Thinker Star and the Elder Star in the Life Palace are Used as Main Stars

🧠Thinker Star in the Journey Palace

The Journey Palace represents a person's appearance. When the Thinker Star is in the Journey Palace, the person has an intelligent, and kind appearance.

Thinker Star in the  Journey Palace During Major Major or Annual Fortune

During a major and an annual fortune, the person may purchase a car or have traffic-related issues.

Thinker Star in the Journey Palace + Blade and or + Fire Star During Major or Minor Fortune

The person needs to be cautious when traveling and may have traffic-related issues.

🌳Elder Star in the Journey Palace

The Journey Palace represents a person's personality or behavior when traveling, away from home, or doing outdoor activities. When Elder Stars are out in public, they act like village elders or group leaders. They are always looking out for the people around them. They have a sense of justice and stand up for people in need.

🏡Mansion Star in Health Palace

When the Mansion Star is in the Health Palace, the person has no major health concerns. The element of the Mansion Star is earth, which means that the person might have stomach or digestive issues.

🐻🌕Moon Star and Child Star in Wealth Palace

🧸Child Star in the Wealth Palace

A Child Star person loves freedom, likes junk food, and likes to play. The element of the Child Star is water, and water in a river is always running. Many Child Stars are freelancers. Their work involves traveling. Some of them work in restaurants and sell drinks.

🌙Moon Star in the Wealth Palace

The Moon Star symbolizes females and is always in the Wealth Palace of the Elder Star individuals.  The Wealth Palace represents how a person makes money. The essence of the Elder Star is "refuge" which means to protect and care for. Elder Stars are talkative.  Many Elder Star individuals have jobs that are female-oriented, such as selling makeup or caring for others. The Moon Star is "yin". One of the characteristics of "yin" is massive. Because of this, many Elder Star individuals are real estate agents, selling things that are massive, such as houses, and involve a lot of talking.

🪙🐺Gold Star and Greedy Wolf Star in Child Palace

🪙 Gold Star in the Child Palace

The Child Palace represents the firstborn son. The Gold Star is an action-oriented wealth star. If it is in the Child Palace, it means that the firstborn son loves money. Although a Gold Star child may not talk much and has his own way of doing things, he is very reliable, knows what he is doing and has good execution skills.

🐺Greedy Wolf in Greedy Child Palace

The essence of the Greedy Wolf Star is "Desires". The Child Palace is the love palace. It is the palace for making babies. If the Greedy Wolf is in the Love Palace, it usually means that the individual has a desire to make love.

🦋If the Greedy Wolf Star is converted:

  • To-Wealth:The person is having a lot of sex.
  • To-Authority:The person has a strong desire for sex.
  • To-Darkness:The person has to have sex.

If "empty stars” such as the ☀️Solitary-Day & 🦉Lonely-Night, and the ✝️Spiritual Star are in the Child Palace: Sexual activities are greatly reduced. The Child Palace also represents the first male child, and the child has good social skills.

☀️⚗️Sun Star and Analyst Star in Spouse Palace

🌞 Sun Star in Spouse Palace

A Sun Star person has a lot of vitality and is outgoing. When the Sun Star is in the Spouse Palace, it means that the partner has a lot of positive energy. Also, the partner is the one who takes care of the family.

🌞Sun Star Converted to Darkness in Spouse Palace

The partner may be somewhat stubborn and unyielding.

To-Darkness Star is in the opposite palace (Career Palace)

If the To-Darkness Star is in the opposite palace of the Spouse Palace (Career Palace), the person may not want a relationship with the opposite gender. Perhaps the person is too busy working and does not have time for a relationship.

⚗️Analyst Star in the Spouse Palace

The essence of the Analyst Star is "darkness". When the Analyst Star is in the Spouse Palace, the person always feels that the partner is hiding something, such as having a concealed relationship with someone else, or some money issues. And the partner always makes up strange excuses. Because of this, the couple might be constantly arguing.

🍷Prime Minister in the Sibling Palace

The Sibling Palace represents (your) eldest brother and the mother. When the Prime Minister is in the Sibling Palace, the mother is organized, cautious, and unbanding. Also, the mother is a good person and likes to help others. She is passionate about taking care of the family, including the neighbors.

🧠🌳Elder Thinker Dual can only appear in the Dragon Palace or the Dog Palace

🐉Elder Thinker Dual in the Dragon Palace

The person is a bit ambitious, action-oriented, and has a lot of ideas and dreams.

🐉Thinker and Elder Dual in the Dragon Palace Life Palace Empty

🐕Elder Thinker Dual in the Dog Palace

The person has a sense of justice, is concerned about the well-being of others, and is always helping and supporting others.

🐕Elder Thinker Dual in the Dog Place, Life Palace Empty

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