Moon Thinker Star

🧠🌙Moon Thinker Dual in the Tiger Palace and the Monkey Palace

🧠The Thinker Star represents the thinker, the nervous system, and the limbs of the human body. Thinker Stars are smart, logical, knowledgeable, and kind. The essence of the Thinker Star is "Changes". The thoughts of the Thinker Stars are constantly changing. Sometimes their thoughts change so quickly that they cannot concentrate on one subject.

🧠🌙When both stars are in the same palace, they compensate for each other's shortcomings. Thinker Moons become more rational and their emotions are more stable. They are more detail-oriented and,  their minds are more stable.

👉More about: 🧠The Thinker Star 🌙The Moon Star

🧠🌙 The 12 Palaces of Moon Thinker Dual

👑🐺Polaris Star and Greedy Wolf Star in Parent Palace

👑Polaris Star in the Parent Palace

The essence of the Polaris Star is royalty. It represents high status. When it is in the Parent Palace. It means that the father is in control of the family and wants everyone to listen to him. If the Polaris Star is converted to authority. The father becomes more serious. The father may be an executive of a company and have high social status jobs.

🐺Greedy Wolf in Parent Palace

The Parent Palace represents the father. When the Greedy Wolf Star is in the Parent Palace, the father has good social skills. If the Right-Assistant Star is also in the Spouse Palace. The father may have female friends other than the mother. If the Charmer Star is also in the Parent Palace, there is a high probability that the father is going out with other females. If the To-Wealth Star is also in the Parent Palace, the probability is even higher.

⚗️Analyst Star in the Fortune Palace

The Fortune Palace represents a person's interests, hobbies, and mentality. The essence of the Analyst Star is "darkness". When it is in the Fortune Palace, the person may tend to look at the negative side of things, similar to a conspiracy theorist who likes to look into the dark and find out the truth, or a prepper who always prepares for the worst.

🍷Prime Minister in the Home Palace

A Prime Minister person is cautious and has good organizational skills. When the star is in the Home Palace, it means that the person's home has a high safety standard. The home is neat and tidy; each household item has its own palace.

🌳Elder Star in the Career Palace

The Career Palace represents a person's activities. An Elder Star person has a personality that represents a village elder, group leader, or eldest brother. This means that the Elder Star has a controlling nature.  Thus, the person might be a group leader at school or work. Also, the person always likes to help and stand up for others, so they may have jobs that involve caring for others. Since the essence of the Elder Star is "sanctuary", many are real estate agents.

🦁⚔️Wild Star and Seven Slayer Star in Friend Palace

🦁Wild Star in Friend Palace

The Wild Star represents artistic, wild, and nonconforming. If it is in the Friend Palace, it means that the person has friends from all walks of life, such as artists, gangsters, and gamblers.

⚔️Seven Slayer in the Friend Palace

The Seven Slayer Star is one of the "Three Knife Stars" among the Doushu main stars. Seven Slayer individuals are highly competitive. When it is in the Friend Palace, the person has highly skilled and competitive friends. Since the Seven Slayer Star is a Knife Star, the person may sometimes have arguments with friends.

❌Journey Palace, No Main Stars
🧠🌕The Thinker Star and the Moon Star in the Life Palace are Used as Main Stars

🧠Thinker Star in the Journey Palace

The Journey Palace represents a person's appearance. When the Thinker Star is in the Journey Palace, the person has an intelligent, and kind appearance.

Thinker Star in the  Journey Palace During Major Major or Annual Fortune

During a major and an annual fortune, the person may purchase a car or have traffic-related issues.

Thinker Star in the Journey Palace + Blade and or + Fire Star During Major or Minor Fortune

The person needs to be cautious when traveling and may have traffic-related issues.

🌙Moon Star in the Journey Palace

The Journey Palace represents how individuals present themselves. When the Moon Star is in the Journey Palace, the individual might have a gentle and feminine appearance, regardless of whether the person is male or female. Also, when the person is out in public (not at home). The person may encounter a lot of females.

❌Health Palace, No Main Stars
👑🐺The Polaris Star and The Greedy Wolf Star in the Parent Palace are Used as Main Stars

👑Polaris Star in the Health Palace

The Polaris Star is an earth element. It represents the digestive system. In general, when the Polaris Star is in the Health Palace, the person is usually healthy. However, if the Polaris Star is in the same palace as the To-Darkness Star, or it is being charged by the To-Darkness Star, or is in a Self-Darkness Palace, the person needs to be concerned and take good care of their digestive system.

🐺Greedy Wolf in the Health Palace

The Greedy Wolf is a water-wood element. If the Greedy Wolf is converted to darkness or self-darkness, the individual may have issues with the reproductive organs (water element). The individual may also have issues with the liver and gall bladder (wood element).

🐺❣️Greedy Wolf Star + Charmer Star in the Health Palace

The Health Palace represents the body. When the Charmer Star is in the Health Palace, the individual's body always wants to have sex.

🧸Child Star in the Wealth Palace

A Child Star person loves freedom, likes junk food, and likes to play. The element of the Child Star is water, and water in a river is always running. Many Child Stars are freelancers. Their work involves traveling. Some of them work in restaurants and sell drinks.

🪙🚚Gold Star and Warrior Star in Child Palace

🪙 Gold Star in the Wealth Palace

The Gold Star represents money. Gold Stars are hardworking and reliable. They may have occupations that are money-related.

🚗Warrior Star in the Wealth Palace

The characteristics of the Warrior Star are "relentlessly charging forward", breakage, and exhaustion. When it is in the Wealth Palace, the individual is generous in spending money. When the To-Brightness star is in the same palace, the individual's spending habits become more conservative.

The Warrior Star is a water element. It symbolizes sea water. Therefore, the person may work as a truck driver, selling overseas and water-related products.

🌞 Sun Star in Spouse Palace

A Sun Star person has a lot of vitality and is outgoing. When the Sun Star is in the Spouse Palace, it means that the partner has a lot of positive energy. Also, the partner is the one who takes care of the family.

🌞Sun Star Converted to Darkness in Spouse Palace

The partner may be somewhat stubborn and unyielding.

To-Darkness Star is in the opposite palace (Career Palace)

If the To-Darkness Star is in the opposite palace of the Spouse Palace (Career Palace), the person may not want a relationship with the opposite gender. Perhaps the person is too busy working and does not have time for a relationship.

🏡Mansion Star in the Sibling Palace

The Sibling Palace represents the mother or older brother. The essence of the Mansion Star is "giving orders. It means that the mother is like the housekeeper who takes care of the family. The mother is also the queen of the house, always telling others what to do, such as where to put things. The mother may also be a small business owner.

🧠🌙Thinker Moon Dual can only appear in the Tiger Palace or the Monkey Palace

Both the Tiger Palace and the Monkey Palace are "Transport Palaces". When the Life Palace is at Transport Palaces, the person is always traveling, such as going to school abroad, working in other countries, or taking frequent trips.

🐅Thinker Moon Dual in the Tiger Palace

The person tends to focus on the negative side of society more and wants to find out the truth behind things.*

🐅Thinker and Moon Dual in the Tiger Palace Life Palace Empty

🐒Thinker Moon Dual in the Monkey Palace

The person's mentality is less negative and is constantly analyzing the truth and the reasons behind things.

🐒Thinker and Moon Dual in the Monkey Palace(Empty Life Palace)


*When the Thinker Moon Dual is in the Tiger Palace, the Sun Star is in the Mouse Palace. The Mouse Palace is a Night Palace, which means that the light from the Sun Star is unable to clear the darkness of the Analyst Star in the Fortune Palace (The essence of the Analyst Star is "darkness"). The Fortune Palace represents what is in side a person's mind and the person's hobbies and interests.

As a result, Thinker Moons tend to focus more on the negative side of society. They want to find the truth behind things. This is neither bad nor good. It is just a phenomenon. However, if a person always focuses on the negative, he may not be as happy. It can also affect their health. In order to have a positive result, a person must think positively, focus on the positive, and take the positive path.

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